Lent 2025
“God on Mute”
Worsley Road URC
Led by the Reverend Maria Lee
The main resource will be Pete Greig's book ‘God on Mute’.
We will have four sessions.
For each session, we will watch the video, followed by a discussion.
You can find all the video resources here: https://unanswered.prayercourse.org/sessions/
• Programme
Time Programme Preparation
10:30 am Arrival A light refreshment
(Tea/coffee and biscuit)
10:45 am Greeting and watch the video Laptop
11:00 am Group discussion Pen and paper
11:30 am Closing with a prayer Candles
• Date and theme
Date Session Theme
12th March Introduction
1. How- Am I going to get through this?
Maundy Thursday
19th March 2. Why- Aren’t my prayers being answered? Good Friday
26th March 3. Where- Is God when heaven is silent? Holy Saturday
16th April 4. When- Every prayer is answered Easter Sunday
If any of you wish to join but can’t make a date(s),
I encourage you to read the book and (or) watch the video at home.
If you would like to share any thoughts and prayers, please contact Maria.Lee@nwsynod.org.uk or Revd. Maria Lee (Mob: 07831874879)
Everyone is welcome!
“Grace groweth best in winter.”
Samuel Rutherford
30th December, 1636
Everyone is welcome